Information for authors
1. Abstract submission is closed now!
2. Conference proceedings
Authors wishing to prepare Full Manuscript (4–12 pages) for the conference proceedings (posters and oral presentations will have exactly the same treatment), please submit your paper as .doc or .docx file using Manuscript template by the 15th of May, 2017.
Authors, who do not plan to prepare full manuscript can decide to submit Extended abstract up to 2 pages by the 15th of May, 2017. For preparing an extended abstract, please use the Extended abstract template.
All other contributions will be included as short abstracts, previously submitted, in the proceedings.
3. Selected papers will be submitted for publication in a special issue in one of the three renowned SCI tribology journals, namely Lubrication Science, Tribology International and Wear.
4. Keynote lectures, invited lectures and oral presentations
The duration of the keynote lecture is limited to 45 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion.
The duration of the invited lecture is limited to 25 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion.
The duration of the oral presentation is limited to 15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion.
5. Instructions for poster preparation
Poster should be 90 cm wide and 120 cm high. Please make sure that all text, graphs and figures are clearly visible.